Sunday, December 05, 2010

5 years !

Is been coming 5 years since i last blog, or what they hell do i think that people even care about me blogging either. Proves to show a point, that people still uses the search engines to locate anything they are seeking for. Couple of my friends actually found my blog and my contact by searching for me on Google, how cool is that. Appreciate it very much, a customer of mine even came to his senses to read all my previous post to find out my personality.

With new era of social media, bloggers are getting less traffic provided your some top bloggers like Kenny Sia whereby he is been paid to blog. Food critics, travelers or even online business are being widely use to generate revenue as the blogs are free, user-friendly and simple !

2011 next month will be exactly 5 years since I last blog. Much has change about me, my weight has shifted up and down, did a knee surgery, been into a couple of relationship,running my 1oth marathon soon, change my car, change 2 companies,own a property, 2 beautiful nieces came into this world, and lastly never in my mind I'll ever end up in the different industry. Yea, I'll always been the IT prone guy, people call me more than they ever call 103 for their computer problems. But now, they call me to find them a shelter instead :)

PROPERTIES, is what I'm in right now. Is now a business game, people buy and sell like to stocks. Some even did not even pay a single cent to own a property in that extend. Owning a property is like having a piece of linen in your closet these days. Irregardless it cheap or expensive , big or small. Therefore hope when you think of Properties please think of Warren Lim , hehe. I will give you my best opinion in making a good profit or shelther for you.