Friday, December 15, 2006


Don't you just feel so numb when your under stress ? Numb does not only makes you blur, but Dude! it makes me day dream as well.Anyway,can't wait for christmas and new year, and yes I'll be celebrating new year in Singapore.Wohoo, time for me to teleport to the land of kiasu.

We also talk about singaporean being kiasu but guess what!? That is what makes their country today above us.I guess we should adapt to their culture as well.Nobody wears the same shirt everyday rite? I'm taking that approach now, stop being stubborn, taking people's opinion and stop believing in my own method so much and begin to revamp the way I think and talk too.

Guess who is the JACKASS

*HAIH* weekend full of weddings, just got to know on Wednesday that I've got a another dinner on Friday which is now as I'm bloggin. Waiting for Jeremy to come back , ya we're late.Dinners starts at 8pm, oh..ya.. we're living the malaysian attitude.Always late and enjoy being late.